Biblioblogging Burnout

There seems to be a rash of biblioblogging hiatuses, shutdowns, and timeouts.  In his compelling farewell address (a temporary one, I hope), my blogging colleague Elshaddai Edwards of He is Sufficient wrote:

Is my voice lost or changing or am I just muting what I have? I don't know. I am not a pastor, theologian, formally educated student or anyone of any accreditation. I'm just me and at one point I thought that it might be interesting to explore how "me" viewed the Bible through a blog. I now realize that I've been writing over my level of understanding and that, for the time being, I should probably keep my mouth shut, to borrow Keith's phrase. At least until I find a more mature voice to speak with (emphasis added).

This is a remarkable confession.  But a true one.

However, this is not just true of the eloquent Mr. Edwards, this is true of all of us.  True, there are those who are pastors, theologians, formally educated students or others with accreditations, but none of those things change that we are all writing "over our level of understanding" when it comes to the Word of God.

I do understand the need for reflection and refreshing, though.  In fact, this blog came out of my own period of reflection and soul searching.  I would certainly encourage anyone who takes the time to do the same.

The one thing I have learned after two years of intense Bible study is that it would take many, many lifetimes to even scratch the surface of the depth, breadth and richness of God's Word.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

We are all parts of the body, interconnected by design, with unique jobs, contributions, and functions.  None of which is any more important than the other, the person who leads one person to Christ is just as valuable as the person who leads one thousand.  If I inspire one person to read the Bible, or just read it a little differently, I will consider my labors well worth it.

I know my blogging brethren (that brethren is especially for you, tc, welcome back) have so inspired me.  And if Elshaddai's voice for his blog is truly gone, it is not for lack of maturity, I can assure you.  The realization that we are all writing over our level of understanding is evidence of one of the most mature perspectives I have come across.

And that it is over all of our levels of understanding is yet additional evidence of the greatness of the God we serve.

Atheism, Judges 19 and Hosea

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