View from the Cross

One of my favorite things about the church we attend is that worship in a variety of forms is not only allowed, it is encouraged. I was/am a part of a writer's circle which produced a devotional, Fresh Focus, the print version of which the church gave as a Christmas gift to the members a couple of Christmases ago. And there are others.

But, one of my favorite forms of worship to observe is our prophetic art team. Each Sunday, one of the artists will paint during the worship service. The results are quite remarkable. During our monthly Nights of Worship, the team will rotate through each other's art every 10-15 minutes and add their own take to the product - they call it "art fusion." It really is something to watch unfold. Admittedly, the sum and substance of my art education comes entirely from Iain Pears novels and my own infrequently used pencil and sketch pad.

This Sunday's product, coinciding with a sermon and drama series entitled "The View from the Cross" (Pilate's Wife, Three Crosses =Three Mothers, and others to come through Easter Sunday) is shown below. The photo doesn't do it justice, but you get the idea. There are prints of the original art works available for purchase, the proceeds go to missions teams.

View From the Cross. Original painting by Lillian Jane Neal, Emmanuel Fellowship Church, Sweetwater, Texas.

View From the Cross. Original painting by Lillian Jane Neal, Emmanuel Fellowship Church, Sweetwater, Texas.

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