Why Do You Believe the Bible? Part 1

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I have been teaching a discipleship class at our church (different from the Hebrews Bible Study that some of you are following). It is a four-part series on Genesis 1:1, among other things. The class is a study of the supernatural nature of the Hebrew language and the ancient Hebrew pictographs making up Genesis 1:1 and other Biblical names and passages. I have tried to upload the Power Point files, but none of the services that I am aware of allow for the Hebrew fonts I have used, so I have taken screen captures of the slides and included them as images. I hope it makes sense. Also, there are many slides, so I will publish the teachings in multiple parts.

The first class was entitled "Why do you believe the Bible?" We looked at at three key places in scripture where the same event is graphically depicted in the ancient Hebrew pictographs. I will publish the first teaching in three parts.

Why do you believe the Bible?

Why do you believe the Bible?

Genesis 1:1. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Genesis 1:1. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

We began, appropriately enough, "In the beginning," by looking at the pictographs that make up the Hebrew word "Barasheet," most frequently translated, "In the beginning."

In the original Hebrew alphabet, each pictograph represented a letter of the alphabet, a number, and had a symbolic meaning. By looking at those pictographs, a richer, deeper understanding of the text is gained.

Barasheet is spelled in Hebrew BET (the equivalent of our letter B, depicted in the ancient Hebrew pictographs as a house or tent, symbolically meaning "house" as in a lineage; RESH (R), depicted as a man's head, meaning the first or highest person; ALEPH (A), depicted as an ox head, meaning strength or God, as in, "the Lord is my strength;" SHIN (S or Sh), depicted as two teeth, meaning to consume or destroy; YOD (Y), depicted as an arm from the elbow to the fist, meaning "my" or efforts or works; and TAV (T), depicted as two crossed sticks, meaning mark or covenant.

The first two letters of Barasheet BET and RESH together form the Hebrew/Aramaic word "bar" or "son." So, when we look at the ancient Hebrew pictographs, we see that "In the beginning" is actually a graphic depiction of the SON of GOD being CONSUMED/DESTROYED with his HANDS on a CROSS. The slides show the modern Hebrew letter, the name of the letter, the symbolic meaning, what is pictured in the pictograph (in parentheses), and the pictograph itself.

Genesis 1:1. In the beginning...

Genesis 1:1. In the beginning...

That's quite a remarkable beginning. For a slightly different look at this, you can read my earlier post In the beginning.

During the class, I taught that the traditional belief that the first prophecy in scripture is in Genesis 3 is actually incorrect, and that it is, "In the beginning." I believe the most powerful and creative force in the universe is the spoken word of God. If so, by its very nature, it must be prophetic especially in view of God's creativity. God not only created the universe, but in speaking, He created language, an alphabet, math and science, and everything else.

This week, however, I was humbled by the Lord who showed me something else quite remarkable. In Genesis 3, the "first prophecy" is God cursing the serpent saying,

And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.

"In the beginning," the very nature of the Son's destruction on the cross is accomplished by the pictograph depicting two teeth, the very manner in which a serpent would "strike." So, the first prophecy in scripture is both "In the beginning" and in Genesis 3.

There was obviously a lot more, it was an hour-long class. I will try to put as much as I can in parts 2 and 3 which will follow soon. Enjoy.

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