The Genesis Enigma

The Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate. Book Review.

The Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate by Andrew Parker.

A couple of weeks ago, I received an email from Liza Cassity at Penguin Group (USA) asking me if I would like a copy of The Genesis Enigma: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate by Andrew Parker.

Here's an excerpt from that email:

What if there was proof that the Bible was divinely inspired? What if the evidence for Biblical truth came from the last place you’d expect to find religious support?

There’s a book coming out this October that provides such evidence, and—shockingly enough—the source is science.

In THE GENESIS ENIGMA: Why the Bible is Scientifically Accurate, respected evolutionary biologist Andrew Parker seeks to cross the boundaries between the Genesis story and evolutionary theory by dissecting the parallels between the two accounts, piece by piece, to show that both sides are indeed compatible.

THE GENESIS ENGIMA has already stirred much discussion and recognition in the UK—The Daily Mail calls it “Jaw-dropping… an astounding work.”

Needless to say, I was excited and I'm eager to read it. It arrived today. I will post the review as soon as I am able.

Those of you familiar with this blog know that I will read anything and everything about Genesis. I also think I can prove Genesis true, literarily speaking, if not scientifically. It should be fun.

Buy The Genesis Engima from Amazon at the BOB Bookstore.

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