Biblioblog Top 50 for April

Biblioblog Top 50.

Biblioblog Top 50

The new Biblioblog Top 50 is out for the month of April, 2009, so please give it a read. A few notables:

  1. My blogging buddy ElShaddai Edwards at He Is Sufficient makes a triumphant return to the blogging world and lands at No. 24.
  2. The Biblioblog Top 50 has changed how the Top 50 is calculated. It now calculates based on the total number of monthly hits, which is the only democratic way of calculating in my humble opinion.
  3. The complete Biblioblog list topped 200 this month (I think it's somewhere around 205-210, if I'm not mistaken).
  4. Dr. Jim West is No. 1, yet again, which means another month of new icons to display on your blog for attaining this or that level or rank, which I'm looking forward to. I always like new wallpaper.
  5. Your's truly (Beauty of the Bible) skyrocked to No. 23 (which is why I'm in favor of the list being calculated based on actual traffic :) ).

Thank you guys.

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