A New Blog, Check It Out

I want to alert everybody to a new blog that just launched yesterday, and that I'm excited about. It is Monday Morning Review. It is my Pastor's blog (perhaps, "the Pastor of our church" would be more appropriate). It is a Wordpress blog, so all of you Wordpress loyalists, be sure to show your support. The official address is:  http://mondaymorningreview.wordpress.com/

I believe the plan initially is to post a Monday Morning Review on Mondays (cleverly enough) following the goings on of the previous Sunday. The reviews contain the sermon notes/highlights (a look into the mind of a C/charismatic Pastor - that should be worth the price of admission in itself, and it is because it's free). They also contain links to music played during worship, YouTube and music videos, the sermon podcasts, and other related stuff.

Psst (whispering), for any of you pastors out there, I don't think he would mind if you poached a sermon idea or two.

I think the plan is also to post a devotional of some sort on Thursdays. I'm looking forward to those which should be interesting as well.

I encourage all of you to check it out and see how it unfolds. It will be well worth your time.

Which reminds me...I need to tell him to run some sort of contest or giveaway to get the blog off and running. Stay tuned, I will probably be posting about that as well.

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