Disneynature's - Earth

Disneynature's Earth coming April 22, 2009.

Disneynature's Earth coming April 22, 2009.

Thanks to Erik Lokkesmoe at Different Drummer for asking me to write about Disneynature's new film Earth.

Earth opens in theaters on Earth Day, April 22, 2009, and, if you purchase a ticket for opening weekend, Disney will plant a tree in your honor.

Earth is the remarkable story of three amazing families and their journey across the planet we call Earth. The story is a year in the life of a family of polar bears, humpback whales, and African elephants.

The film is rated G and is a production of Disneynature, the BBC, Greenlight Media and the Discovery Channel.

I realize movie trailers can be deceptive, but I doubt if that's the case here, and it looks incredible. I know Disney catches a lot of flack from Christians, but this appears to be a worthy project and cause.

You can watch the movie trailer here (Apple - Trailers) and here (Disneynature trailer).

Texans in the Holy Land

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