Book Review-The Green Bible

The Green Bible, NRSV, book review

The Green Bible, NRSV, book review

I am not a fan of themed Bibles generally (although if someone did publish The Lawyer's Bible or The Blogger's Bible*, I'd probably have to buy one), but I did ask for and receive The Green Bible for my birthday/Christmas.

The purpose in my asking for The Green Bible was twofold: 1) familiarize myself with the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), and 2) satisfy my curiosity about what a "green" Bible would be like.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for environmental friendliness.  I think we should be good stewards of the earth, and I think humanity takes its dominion of the earth for granted.  I also like the idea of bridging the gap between the Christian right and the environmentalists.

So, I hope my new Green Bible is not too gimmicky, and I will eventually make it through the green essays and the Green Bible Trail Guide.  I am quite pleased with the cotton/linen cover and the recycled paper.  In fact, the recycled paper pages are quite stunning and a pleasant break from standard Bible paper.  I don't think all of the green-letter verses actually support the cause, but the green highlighting does force a more interactive reading which is a plus.

I'll write more on this in the future, but in the meantime you can browse The Green Bible below.

*Note to publishers: I will gladly serve as the Editor of The Blogger's Bible when you are ready to publish one.

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